Saturday, August 11, 2007

Indiana State Fair

Colin, Megan, Lindsey, and I went to the Indiana State Fair yesterday. It was pretty fun. The weather was beautiful aside from it being a little warm. We went early in the day, before it really heated up.

We ate some fair foods...corn fritters, corn dog, milk shakes from the dairy barn, dippin dots, deep fried snickers, popcorn... plenty of the once-a-year junk food.
The fair theme this year is "The Year of Corn." They had planted corn all over the place.

In the midway, the kids rode a couple rides and thought they were awesome.
You'll notice that for whatever reason, Colin has started to pose for pictures like a pirate...not sure where he's come up with this idea.
We saw plenty of tractors...
And we saw lots of animals...cows, pigs, horses, mules, donkeys...This little baby donkey took a liking to Colin and Megan - and vice versa.

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