Sunday, December 21, 2014

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 40

Sunday, December 21 - Adopt a family for Christmas!! It was a family of three from Greenfield. A mom, dad, and 7 year old son. My sister bought for the mom, and we bought for the dad and son. We are so lucky to have the means to do this.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 39

Saturday, December 20 - Donated handprint kits to a local hospital.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 38

Friday, December 19 - Donated some crayons and coloring books to a hospital waiting room.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 37

Thursday, December 18 - Donated some school supplies to the school. As a bonus, my daughter, Megan, learned what a "gross" is.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 36

Wednesday, December 17 - I called the supervisor of a colleague from another firm and told him what a great job this colleague has done and how much we appreciated it.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 35

Tuesday, December 16 - Left diapers and wipes at a public changing table.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 34

Monday, December 15 - I just walked around the circle and complimented 3 strangers. I was really dreading this one, but it turned out to be fun. Especially seeing their faces light up.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 33

Sunday, December 14 - Gave flowers to someone.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 32

Saturday, December 13 - Made supper for a family with a new baby. Chicken Pot Pie. Mmmmm.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 31

Friday, December 12 - Gave an group of folks a $25 coupon to our favorite restaurant. They were already there dining.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 30

Thursday, December 11 - Opened and held the door for someone. Good deeds can be small, everyday gestures.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 29

Wednesday, December 10 - Write a poem for someone.

Lisa is my friend 
on whom so many depend.
There are so many things she knows about.
She is a beauty inside and out.
I hope she knows how much we love her here at work.
Without her I think we would go berserk.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 28

Tuesday, December 9 - Wrote a recommendation letter for a friend who is looking for a job.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 27

Monday, December 8 - Gave someone a couple lottery tickets.  I hope she won something!

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 26

Sunday, December 7 - Picked up trash along Ohio Street downtown.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 25

Saturday, December 6 - Made some homemade Christmas cards.  Megan and I made a couple for the sick little Addie we saw on FaceBook and some for Grandparents.  It was a fun thing to do together.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 24

Friday, December 5 - Called someone lonely. I chatted with my Grandma for about a hour. My Grandpa is in the nursing home so my Grandma has been pretty lonely in the evenings when she gets home from visiting him all day.  She told me some good news - my Grandpa is doing well with his rehab and they think maybe he can come home by Christmas!!

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 23

Thursday, December 4 - Taped a bag of change to the vending machine.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 22

Wednesday, December 3 - Sanitized my coworkers' desks while they were at lunch.  This was good timing since there is some kind of cold starting to go around.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 21

Tuesday, December 2 - Made a clothing donation.

This was an easy one for me since my kids are growing so fast.

Monday, December 01, 2014

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 20

Monday, December 1 - Write a thank you note to a teacher

I wrote a note to one teacher who really helped both my kids. Thank goodness she was brave enough to tell us what we needed to hear.

40 Days of Good Deeds - Day 19

Sunday, November 30 - Watch someone's kids.

I watched my nieces so my sister and brother-in-law could go to the Colts game. My nieces are too cute for words.  I didn't take any pictures. I guess we were too busy to think of it. Whoops.