Saturday, November 01, 2014

40 Days of Good Deeds - Draft List

Believe it or not, I'll be turning 40 at the end of the year.  December 22 to be precise.  To celebrate this event, I want to do "40 Days of Good Deeds" between November 12 and December 21.  I'd really love for my friends and family to join in as they are able.  I have completed the first step - a draft listing of the deeds I plan to do.  My next step will be to plot them on a calendar.  I intend on doing the easier ones through the week and the more difficult ones on the weekends.

See below for the draft list.  Please let me know if you have any comments or ideas on these.

Less than two weeks till we get started!!  I'm pretty excited.

  1. Tape envelope of change to vending machine
  2. Adopt a family for Christmas/participate in an angel tree
  3. Find a book in the library about being thrifty or  saving $ and leave a note of encouragement and gift card in it.
  4. Donate blood
  5. Give flowers to someone
  6. Pick up trash along a street or park
  7. Give a lottery ticket to someone
  8. Feed a parking meter
  9. Send a care package to soldiers
  10. Pay for the following car's car wash
  11. Sanitize someone's desk while they are at lunch
  12. Leave an extra big tIp
  13. Donate a gently used coat, gloves, hats and/or a bunch of hand warmers to a homeless shelter.
  14. Write a poem for someone 
  15. Make a clothing donation
  16. Donate to a food drive or food pantry
  17. Write thank you notes to at least five people.
  18. Donate to a Salvation Army red kettle
  19. Make a positive shoutout on social media
  20. Call a lonely person
  21. Clean the snow off someone's car
  22. Invite someone over for dinner
  23. Leave coupons in the grocery next to the items on the coupons.
  24. Open the door for someone and hold it.
  25. Leave your mailman a treat.
  26. Make a treat for your office janitor.
  27. Offer to watch a friend's kids.
  28. Compliment 3 strangers.
  29. Hide a dollar in the toy section of the dollar store.
  30. Write a thank you note to a teacher.
  31. Donate pjs to (carters stores)
  32. Donate to a toy drive
  33. Tell a manage of good service you got at a store or restaurant.
  34. Donate some school supplies to a local school.
  35. Make some home made cards and deliver to a local assisted living. Visit with the recipients if the opportunity presents itself.
  36. Make baked goods & deliver to a local mechanics, tire, or autobody shop.
  37. Drop off some coloring books and crayons to a hospital waiting room.
  38. Donate hand imprint sets to a hospital maternity unit.
  39. Leave diapers and wipes on a public changing table.
  40. Bring a meal to a family in need (recent birth, sickness, or loss)

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